Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Hi. Today i feel so sluggish. Lately weather macam asyik hujan and mendung, and susah gila nak bangun awal pagi. Kalau bangun awal pagi pun tak semangat. I rasa i kena ubah sleeping schedule, sebab asyik tido pukul 12-1 macam tu, tu pun bukan terus tido tapi main phone dulu. Paling lambat pun pukul 2. Memang susahlaaaaa. 
I kena ubah tido awal so then i bangun pagi semangat and tahu goals i apa everyday!!! Caiyokkk!! I dahla dalam transitioning period ni >.< so yeah a bit uncomfortable but kinda excited for my new career.

I'll give myself 6 months to prove myself that I can do it, if i put my mind into it. I saw on twitter there's this one tweet:

Advice from Elon Musk.

"Give yourself 6 months.

If you are serious about changing your life, do something consistently for 6 months.

I guarantee you’ll see results.

If you give up, you don’t want it bad enough."

If we put our mind into it im sure we can do this!!! 🤩