Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Hi. Today i feel so sluggish. Lately weather macam asyik hujan and mendung, and susah gila nak bangun awal pagi. Kalau bangun awal pagi pun tak semangat. I rasa i kena ubah sleeping schedule, sebab asyik tido pukul 12-1 macam tu, tu pun bukan terus tido tapi main phone dulu. Paling lambat pun pukul 2. Memang susahlaaaaa. 
I kena ubah tido awal so then i bangun pagi semangat and tahu goals i apa everyday!!! Caiyokkk!! I dahla dalam transitioning period ni >.< so yeah a bit uncomfortable but kinda excited for my new career.

I'll give myself 6 months to prove myself that I can do it, if i put my mind into it. I saw on twitter there's this one tweet:

Advice from Elon Musk.

"Give yourself 6 months.

If you are serious about changing your life, do something consistently for 6 months.

I guarantee you’ll see results.

If you give up, you don’t want it bad enough."

If we put our mind into it im sure we can do this!!! 🤩

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

I did it. I resigned.

oh my god. korang tau tak aku delay 2 jam untuk tekan "SEND"! aku delay 2 jam!! aku dah siap dah semua email & resignation letter, tinggal nak send je. AND I DID IT. 

Sebelum tu i tanya HR, patut ke i cc hr apa semua then he said yes CC je kalau confident dah nak blah. and I pun CC hr and my supervisor and HOD. I DID IT GUYS I DID IT. it was so hard.. because I dah stress gila haritu pasal kerja, and i made up my mind to resign. but on the day that i want to send the resignation letter, i feel OMG. CUAK NYA. like aku patut send je time tengah sedih haritu, takde la fikir banyak sangat en. hahahah. but i did it. im proud of myself sebab im doing this for myself! I can find better opportunities outside, then why shouldn't I resign? other than this, I have other personal problems as well that I need to settle first.

But i'm so proud of myself! i faced my fear with courage!! i indeed thankful for all of the opportunities have given to me time kerja dekat company ni, but i think it's time to move on.

and also, writing makes me feel better at expressing myself. (other than calling my bf time dia tengah kerja to comfort me, sebab i tak rilek, lepas hantar email resignation letter terus lari turun bawah dari PC hahaha) . damn.


:) all the best to myself. and you too.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Testing Blogger app on my phone!

Hi! This is me testing blogger app on my phone :) oh! I just upgraded my phone from iPhone 7+ to S21 :) it's definitely an upgrade from me!!! Loving this amoled screen!! And other features as well.
I'm not sure why i haven't been blogging for the past years? It's so therapeutic. Maybe sebab sekarang dah kerja, dah banyak responsibilities, and sekarang baru sedar kepentingan mental health. Especially during this pandemic. 

Kalau sebelum ni kalau kita stress, boleh turun main frisbee dengan kawan, boleh keluar dengan kawan... sekarang ni kena fikir cara sendiri je untuk luahkan perasaan. I mean, luahkan perasaan dekat bf, kawan tu benda biasa. Cuma bila kita tulis ni, dia macam kita luahkan perasaan kt diri kita, and nanti bila dah tua nanti boleh baca balik, "ohhh aku ingat lagi time ni" hahaah! At least 1 post per week, i think okay untuk summarise the week macam mana i time tu. (Semangat pulak tetiba rasa nak menulis hahaah)

Anyways.... i akan cerita banyak lagi lah on the next post. Maybe akan cerita more about my work etc.

See youuu, ttyl.

Checking in after a year!

Hi semua! apa khabar? harini 10/8/2021. Salam maal hijrah semua :)
Lately things has been really tiring. Dengan covid 19 yang daily cases more than 20,000. dengan dok baca berita kematian hari hari... Semalam Siti Sarah meninggal dunia. Al-fatihah. rasa sedih walaupun kita tak kenal dia personally, because I know she's a nice person. I'm so sad when people lost their loved ones, because I know how it feels like, and I just wish other people won't experience it. But, siapa je kita sebenarnya. We are just normal human beings, yang masing2 ada lifespan sendiri. 

Bukan tu je, kita ni yang dok rumah pun stress dengan kerja, duit, dengan masalah macam2. Some of us ada lagi yang susah, takde makanan, takde kerja. But i know kita ni yang ada rumah, ada tempat tidur, ada tempat makan pun rasa penat. It's okay, your emotions are valid. We are all tired. We want this Covid19 Pandemic to end.

I hope you guys keep my dad in your prayers, sebab dia sekarang ada masalah jantung, a few months ago asyik dok keluar masuk hospital sebab dia punya jantung tersumbat. I just pray things will get better over time. sekarang ni dok pujuk dia amik vaccine. I dah complete 2 dose,  adik i pun dah, tinggal kakak I je untuk 2nd dose. But my dad tak ready nak ambil lagi. Hmmm.

Kalau pasal kerja pulak, last week I had a mental breakdown about work hahaha. Things have been rough, but yeah, i'm sure, when a door closes, another door will open for you. I'm sure I am on the right path. 

I have this mutual friend that is successful doing his job, so I would like to give myself a try to follow his steps. You know the thing about life is that you don't know what you're doing is right or suitable for you. You just have to try. and that's what I'm doing right now. I don't know if this new job will suit me, but it will hurt me even more if I don't give it a try.  

I hope you guys stay safe during this pandemic. If you feel tired, sad, try to talk to your family/friends. Ease the burden in your heart. I will try to keep myself sane by writing on this blog more hahah.

See you on the next post! <3 xoxo.